Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Hiyya! Well, I'm cassandra2468 (on moviestarplanet.co.uk). This is my new blog! I'll try and post quite often. I'll post about stuff that happens on MSP and any other new. Yeah.. I hope you enjoy it :) Bye for now :) Cass x


  1. Heyyy its me wahidafairy tyfsm for putting me in your blog. its amazing and i love you fae ;D

  2. I just really wish lollicious would listen to me and be friends with her. im so upset now..iv'e told her every single time she ignores me :'( i hope she listens to em later once she sees my comment. i think this is the only way to tell her and then she can comment. im so glad you made this blog. your amazing cassandra :)
